Feds Award $18.2M in Cybersecurity Grants to Tribal Nations

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Federal money is headed to 32 tribal nations to help defend against a rise in cybersecurity threats to the public sector.

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program is sending a total of $18.2 million to recipients, intending for the grants to help them each establish critical governance frameworks, identify key vulnerabilities and more, per the Department of Homeland Security. Officials announced the grant winners this week.

DHS reported that a total of 73 communities applied for these grants. Overall, 574 tribal nations were eligible to do so, but TribalHub Executive Officer and Tribal-ISAC Chair Michael Day previously told Government Technology that some tribal nations may have skipped participating due to difficulties applying or because they believed the available funding was too little to be worth the work of applying for and managing the grant.

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